3.14 Open Journal Series: 3.30.2020

We are in a 5 week quarantine here where I am. Other cities and states are two months. Some aren’t on lockdown quite yet. Non essential businesses are closed. Nails, hair, shopping, and some restaurants. Grocery stores, banks, pharmacies, and liquor store are still open. 

People at the grocery store are very hostile. No one wants to speak or look at each other as if the virus is spread through eye contact. People are still hoarding. Numbers are rising, deaths are rising, so the media says. The U.S. is close to China as the most infected country in the world with the most deaths. 

I believe 5G is only aiding in lowering the vibration of the masses. This low vibration along with fear conditioned through the media and a low vibrating immune system makes the body a perfect home for a manmade virus. 

I’ve had this eye opening realization this week that has made me shift my perspective on everything that’s going on. We are in quarantine, we’re being forced to sit down and go within. Within our homes which reflect us going within ourselves; as our bodies are home to our souls. 

Some of us aren’t working. Kids are being homeschooled. Non essential businesses aren’t operating; hair, nails, shopping, and all worldly material practices. We are being forced to spend more time with the people we’ve been gifted with in this reality; our family and people we live with. I’ve seen so many people walking with there kids, running, and spending time outside. Me and my family road bikes and brought out the water hose the other day. We haven’t done that in years. I felt like my inner child was awaking. 

The message from spirit is to get back to basics. Get back to spending time in nature, with our loved ones, and finding activities to do with what we already have. Get back to herbal remedies and natural living. There’s no going back to how things were in 2019 because we are shifting, the energy of the universe is changing. 

This is the new normal; This is the age of Aquarius. Look at things in this new perspective and vibrate with gratitude which only attracts high vibrations. Those who give into the fear, resist the shift, and continue to try living the old way are the ones being affected by low vibrations. Viruses are low vibrations. 

This is a basic law of adaptation. Survival of the fittest. Evolution. 

Nala Asa Shakur

Nala Asa Shakur formerly known as Tyler A. Norman is the CEO & Founder of The All Natural, Hostess of the world wide podcast, #TTALK , and author of Love Starts Here. She’s a creator & healer serving through various facets of artistry. Her forms of expression range all the way from visual & performing arts, kitchen alchemy, to creative writing and directing. Through her work and her rising movement, #Naturalisthewaytoglow™, she inspires and assist others with self-love, holistic healing, and finding a true inner glow.

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